Folk Music

Folk music is a varied genre of music that has it’s roots in the traditional storytelling music of our ancestors. “Folk music has had a strong appeal, perhaps even mystical, for traditional rural people and urban dwellers alike for many centuries, even as it has gone through various incarnations and transformations.” (Cohen)

Folk music saw a major resurgence in America in the 50’s-60’s, this folk music reborn was strongly and almost exclusively influenced by the European roots of the groups with whom the folk movement started. Early American folk music was often anti-commercialism, anti-war, and anti-establishment. Folk music gained much popularity among war protesters in the 60’s and among the ever growing ranks of the eco-conscious.

In time, and with increasing racial co-existence, folk music saw an influx of new influences. Joining the British and western European influences that were previously most prominent, were African, Mexican, and Native American music styles, as well as an increase in the influences from eastern and northern European styles.

I have never been a fan of most folk music styles, but I do enjoy music that is influenced by the Irish, Scottish, and Northern European sounds.

Cohen, Ronald. Folk Music: the Basics. Taylor and Francis, 2012.


One thought on “Folk Music”

  1. Leah Rego,
    I am so glad that you covered folk music! I quite agree in that “Folk music is a varied genre of music that has it’s roots in the traditional storytelling music of our ancestors.” Folk music is a continuation of folklore – a form of oral storytelling that is passed down from one generation to the next. Personally, I was often bored to tears by “This Land is Your Land,” “You Are My Sunshine,” etc. However, take any of these songs, get together with musicians and you are bound to have pretty much everyone able to participate. A good friend of ours said that no matter what level of English, when he was travelling through Japan, he always had everyone join in when he and his band played “Country Roads.”

    Personally, for folk music, I love Balkan gypsy music! Taraf de Haidouks are a great place to start….
    However, I just stumbled upon this two nights ago, and it totally took my breath away.
    I am not Catholic, but that is not necessary to enjoy this.

    Have a very Merry Christmas, Leah!!!!
    Wishing you all the best in the upcoming year.

    Liked by 1 person

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